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Solana Wallet Ops

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Solana chain is a bit different from typical EVM chains in how it supports Solana JSON-RPC calls and Web3 wallet operations.


import { AuthProvider } from '@arcana/auth'
const auth = new AuthProvider(
  "xar_test_445007f942xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx484cAfd2", // App client ID
    alwaysVisible: false,     // default: true, wallet always visible
    connectOptions: {
      compact: true           // default: false, regular plug-and-play login UI
    position: 'left',         // default: right
    setWindowProvider: true,  // default: false, window.ethereum not set
    theme: 'light',           // default: dark
try {
  await auth.init()
} catch (e) {
  // Handle exception case

Solana apps can use the auth.provider to make standard JSON RPC calls in the context of an authenticated user.

const provider = auth.provider;

Use the Solana provider for issuing Solana Web3 wallet operations in the context of an authenticated user.

const solanaP = auth.solana;

Supported Web3 Wallet Operations

Get Public Key

import SolanaWeb3 from "@solana/web3.js";

const provider = auth.provider;

const accounts = await auth.provider.request({
  method: "getAccounts",
  params: [],

const publicKey = new SolanaWeb3.PublicKey(accounts[0])


The publicKey is returned as a string: ["your-public-key-in-string-format"].

Supported JSON/RPC Functions

  • signMessage
  • signTransaction
  • signAllTransactions
  • signAndSendTransaction


  const message = `Sign below to authenticate with CryptoCorgis to avoid digital dognappers`;
  const encodedMessage = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
  // To get a proper signature, the second parameter in signMessage call 
  // can be either "hex" or "utf8", depending on what kind of message we are signing. 
  // For plaintext, use "utf8"; 
  // For hex message, use "hex"
  try {
    const signature = await solanaP.signMessage(encodedMessage, "hex");
    window.solanaSig = signature;
  } catch (e) {

Signature Format

    signature: Uint8Array // Encode it by using `bs58.encode(signature)` 
                          // to get the string format. See npm library: bs58 
    publicKey: BN // Use `new SolanaWeb3.PublicKey(publicKey)` 
                  // to get the 'BN' string format. See npm library: @solana/web3.js


try {
  const pk = new SolanaWeb3.PublicKey(auth.solana.publicKey)
  const connection = new SolanaWeb3.Connection(
    SolanaWeb3.clusterApiUrl("testnet") // can be "devnet", "testnet" or "mainnet-beta"

  const minRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0);

  const blockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash().then((res) => res.blockhash);

  const payer = auth.solana

  const instructions = [
      fromPubkey: pk,
      toPubkey: pk,
      lamports: minRent // lamports is the minimum unit of solana, like wei is for Ethereum. 1 SOL = 10^9 Lamports

  // Compiles the message to V0 format
  const messageV0 = new SolanaWeb3.TransactionMessage({
    payerKey: pk,
    recentBlockhash: blockhash,

  const transaction = new SolanaWeb3.VersionedTransaction(messageV0);

  // sign your transaction with the required `Signers`
  const signature = await payer.signTransaction(transaction);
} catch (e) {

Signature Format

signatures: [Uint8Array],
message: {
    header: {
      numRequiredSignatures: 1,
      numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0,
      numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 1
    staticAccountKeys: [
      StaticAccountKey1, // In string format
      StaticAccountKey2 // In string format
    recentBlockhash: LatestBlockHashSubmittedWhileSigning, // In string format
    compiledInstructions: [
        programIdIndex: 1,
        accountKeyIndexes: [
        data: Uint8Array // Data that was signed
    addressTableLookups: [] // Not sure what is this, will need to check, but we can pass this during signing


try {
  const pk = new SolanaWeb3.PublicKey(auth.solana.publicKey);
  const connection = new SolanaWeb3.Connection(

  const minRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0);

  const blockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash().then((res) => res.blockhash);

  const payer = auth.solana;

  const instructions = [
      fromPubkey: pk,
      toPubkey: pk,
      lamports: minRent,

  const messageV0 = new SolanaWeb3.TransactionMessage({
    payerKey: pk,
    recentBlockhash: blockhash,

  const transaction = new SolanaWeb3.VersionedTransaction(messageV0);

  // sign your transaction with the required `Signers`
  const signatures = await payer.signAllTransactions([
  ]); // Should/can send multiple different transactions, 
      // right now sending 1 transaction multiple times just as an example

} catch (e) {

The signature format here is same as above with a minor difference:

[Signature0, Signature1, Signature2, and so on]


try {
  const pk = new SolanaWeb3.PublicKey(auth.solana.publicKey);
  const connection = new SolanaWeb3.Connection(

  const minRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0);

  const blockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash().then((res) => res.blockhash);

  const payer = auth.solana; // Arcana Solana API

  const instructions = [
      fromPubkey: pk,
      toPubkey: pk,
      lamports: minRent,

  const messageV0 = new SolanaWeb3.TransactionMessage({
    payerKey: pk,
    recentBlockhash: blockhash,

  const transaction = new SolanaWeb3.VersionedTransaction(messageV0);

  // sign your transaction with the required `Signers`
  const txHash = await payer.signAndSendTransaction(transaction);
}  catch (e) {

Response Format

  publicKey: BN,
  signature: Uint8Array // This is the transaction hash itself
                        // we can verify this in solana explorer, 
                        // need to convert it to string first using `bs58.encode(signature)`

Last update: July 17, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo