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Arcana Auth Use Cases

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The Arcana Auth SDK allows developers to supercharge their Web3 apps with plug-and-play user authentication. Also, authenticated app users can instantly access the embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet to securely sign blockchain transactions without having to install any browser extension or manage keys.

Web3 developers can integrate apps with the Arcana Auth SDK to address the following use cases:

  • User authentication
  • Enable authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions easily
  • Monitor app usage

User Authentication

  • Plug-and-Play Auth: Onboard users with a single line of code. Call connect method to bring up plug-and-play login UI that displays the configured Web2 social login providers, IAM providers and passwordless login options.

  • Build-your-own-Auth-UI: Create your own login UX and call loginWithSocial method to enable authentication via popular Web2 social login providers, loginWithBearer for IAM providers. Use loginWithLink (deprecated), loginWithOTPStart, and loginWithOTPComplete methods for onboarding users via the passwordless option.

  • Customize Onboarding: Choose which providers/login options are visible to the user at the time of logging into the Web3 application.

Sign Blockchain Transactions

  • Easily Accessible & Secure Wallet: Enable authenticated app users to sign blockchain transactions without having to learn the Web3 nuances or expose them to tedious key management hoops. At the same time, provide a secure wallet that is fast to plug in and easy to use.

  • Customize Wallet Usage Experience: Control the Arcana wallet visibility by choosing whether it should be always visible in the context of a Web3 application or whether it shows up only when a blockchain transaction is triggered.

  • Wallet Branding: Allows Web3 application developers to customize the Arcana wallet theme.

  • No Browser Extension Deployment: Arcana Auth SDK allows easy and very simple wallet onboarding for users with no need for installing any browser extension or generating keys.

  • Web3 Wallet Operations: Enable typical wallet functions in the application for authenticated users:

    • Sign blockchain transactions
    • Send Transaction
    • Send/Receive native, custom tokens
    • Send/Receive NFTs
    • Browse NFTs, view NFT details
    • Add supported networks
    • Switch networks
    • Monitor transaction activity
    • JSON-RPC method support
    • Buy crypto via fiat/on-ramp providers

Monitor App Usage

  • Easily Register Apps: Developers can easily register and configure the Arcana Auth SDK usage and wallet user experience by using the Arcana Developer Dashboard as per their app requirements.

  • Monitor App Usage: Developers can easily manage and monitor application usage in terms of Monthly Active Users (MAU). They can also configure how apps are deployed on the Arcana Testnet and Mainnet. Billing is done only for Arcana Mainnet usage. Usage across all apps deployed on Mainnet can be tracked by the developers.

Secure with MFA

Gaming, DeFi and other Web3 apps that deal with user's crypto assets, NFTs can further secure user data by utilizing the MFA feature. A user can set up various recovery methods for their wallet to enhance security. Whenever they try to login from a new device they will have to provide one of the two in order to login. The Arcana Auth SDK works across devices and browsers.

Enable Gasless Transactions

With the gasless transactions feature, Web3 apps can improve adoption by exempting them from paying gas fees for blockchain transactions. Developers can set up gas tanks that are equipped with requisite crypto assets to pay gas fees for a specific blockchain network. Sponsors bear the gas fees while users only pay for whatever transaction they carry out such as transferring ERC20 tokens to another user. Users can have a Web2-like app onboarding experience and not pay the gas fees.

Upcoming Features

  • Support for newer chains, for example, Near
  • Custom OAuth
  • Re-branding of Arcana Developer Dashboard UI
  • Other enhancements and bug fixes in Arcana wallet UI, DKG, etc.

See coming soon section for details.

Last update: May 16, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo