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Unity Web3 Wallet Operations

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes

In this guide, you will learn how a Unity Web3 gaming app integrated with the Arcana Auth Unity SDK can plug in Web3 wallet operations and allow authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions.

Before issuing the Web3 wallet operations, the Unity Web3 gaming App must be integrated with the Arcana Auth Unity SDK. Developers must add code to onboard users before enabling Web3 wallet operations for gaming users.

Supported Web3 Operations

Call Request to make Web3 Wallet operation requests from within the app context. Provide the 'method' parameter for any supported Web3 wallet operations.

responseTextField.text = "";
if (parameters.text != null)
  response = (await arcanaSDK.Request(new RequestParams {
      Method = method.text,
      Params = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object[]>(parameters.text)
  response = (await arcanaSDK.Request(new RequestParams {
      Method = method.text,

That is all!

The supported methods in the Request function may vary depending on the selected blockchain network, EVM chains, or non-EVM chains, such as Solana or MultiversX. See the supported JSON/RPC Web3 operations for a list of chain-specific methods supported via the Request call of the Arcana Auth Unity SDK.

What's Next?

You can deploy the app on Testnet or Mainnet. See app deployment section for details.

See Also

Last update: March 15, 2024 by shaloo