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Asynchronous Distributed Key Generation (ADKG) is a cryptographic protocol that enables multiple parties to cooperatively generate a public-private key pair without requiring a trusted third party or any form of synchronization between the parties.

In ADKG, each party generates a partial private key and broadcasts it to the other parties, who use these partial private keys to collaboratively derive the final private key. The final private key is then used to generate a public key, which can be used for secure communication.

ADKG concept ADKG concept
Asynchronous Distributed Key Generation (ADKG)

Reference: ADKG Paper

The main benefit of ADKG over traditional key generation methods is that it allows multiple parties to securely and collaboratively generate a shared key without the need for a trusted third party or a synchronized communication channel. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where the parties involved are geographically dispersed or have limited connectivity, making traditional key generation methods impractical. Additionally, because ADKG relies on distributed trust, it can be more resistant to attacks and compromise than traditional methods that rely on a single centralized authority.

Using ADKG for Web3 Keys

Web3 blockchain transactions need user signing or approval before they can be processed. To sign transactions, users need cryptographic secrets or keys. This is where ADKG is applied.

The Arcana Auth implements an asynchronous distributed key generation subsystem for efficiently and securely generating key shares for authenticated Web3 app users. The Arcana Auth SDK allows authenticated users to access key shares and generate their keys securely on the client side in the context of the Web3 app. Users do not need to bother about the security and privacy of their key shares and they can easily sign blockchain transactions using the embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet.

The key shares generated through ADKG are ECDSA keys on the secp256k1 curve and are compatible with all EVM-compatible chains. In a future release, Arcana will also support other curves and blockchains that are not EVM-compatible. Also, key regeneration and repair algorithms will be supported in the upcoming releases.

See how the Arcana Auth ADKG works for implementation details.

Last update: April 12, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo