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Custom Login UI

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Developers have two user onboarding options:

  • You can use the built-in, ready-to-use authentication provided by Arcana Auth SDK referred to as plug-and-play authentication.

  • Alternatively, you have the choice to create a custom login user interface.

You can decide to implement the custom login UI instead of the built-in, plug-and-play login UI at the time of SDK integration. This choice is not governed by any settings made via the Arcana Developer Dashboard.

After installing and integrating with the Arcana Auth SDK, create the AuthProvider, use init function to initialize the provider, create the necessary user interface hooks and call the loginWithSocial function with the desired social login provider to onboard users. For email-based onboarding, utilize the loginWithOTP(deprecated), loginWithOTPStart and loginWithOTPComplete functions, which sends users a verification link on the specified user email.

Here is an example of how to onboard users via 'Google' as the social login provider and a custom login UI. See Arcana Auth SDK Reference Guide for more details.

Last update: April 7, 2024 by shaloo