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Arcana Auth SDK

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Arcana Auth SDK enables swift user onboarding in Web3 apps. It embeds an embedded, non-custodial Web3 wallet displayed in the app's context for secure blockchain transaction signing.

Developers start by registering the app and configuring auth settings through the Arcana Developer Dashboard. Each registered app gets a unique Client ID essential for integrating with the Arcana Auth SDK.

Arcana Auth SDK Diagram Arcana Auth SDK Diagram Dark

Key Features

User Authentication

  • Developers customize user onboarding with Web2 login via authentication providers and passwordless access.
  • Developers can choose between plug-and-play or custom login UI for authentication.
  • Seamless user login without key management hassles.

Web3 Wallet Operations

  • Developers can customize the blockchain transaction signing experience for users with Arcana wallet visibility settings.
  • Authenticated users can securely sign transactions on supported blockchain networks
  • Supports Web3 wallet operations and standard Ethereum JSON-RPC calls, including:
    • Configure and switch networks and accounts.
    • Sign blockchain transactions.
    • Send and receive tokens and NFTs.
    • Manage NFTs and preview NFT details using the wallet.

Arcana Auth SDK Flavors

The Arcana Auth SDK comes in multiple flavors to support different Web3 app types. For some app types, developers may need to install and integrate the app with the auth package in addition to the app-specific package listed below.

SDK Name Web3 Application Type Package Name Requires companion SDK
Arcana Auth SDK Basic SDK for user onboarding in Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS Apps, Vue Apps; Gasless transactions in Arcana wallet auth None
Arcana Auth React SDK React Apps auth-react auth
Arcana Auth Wagmi SDK Apps using wallet connectors such as Wagmi, RainbowKit, WalletConnect auth-wagmi auth
Arcana Auth Web3 React SDK Apps using Web3-React wallet connector auth-web3-react auth
Arcana Auth Flutter SDK Mobile apps built using Flutter arcana_auth_flutter None
Arcana Auth React-Native SDK Mobile apps built using React Native auth-react-native None
Arcana Auth-Core SDK Auth SDK for user onboarding features usage only and ability to assign keys to authenticated users, with no embedded wallet feature auth-core None
Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK Enables gasless transactions in third-party browser-based wallets. Operates independently of Auth SDK. scw None
Arcana Auth Unity SDK Gaming apps built using Unity arcana-auth-sdk None

Last update: April 12, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo