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Arcana SDKs bring higher conversion for Web3 app developers through social login and gasless transactions.

Our client-side SDKs empower Web3 apps with social login and gasless transaction capabilities.

  • Auth SDK: Enables social login and gasless transactions through the in-app, embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet.
  • Gasless SDK: Extends the gasless transaction feature to third-party browser-based wallets.

Use Model

flowchart LR
    subgraph Register [1. Register App]
    direction LR
      A0(((Step 1))) --> B0([Dashboard])
      B0 --> C0[Register App] --> E0[Client ID] 
      C0 -- Configure App --> D0[SDK Settings]   

classDef an-pink stroke:#ff4e9f,stroke-width:0.25rem;
class E0 an-pink
flowchart LR
    subgraph Integrate [2. Integrate SDK with App]
    direction LR
      A00(((Step 2))) --> F00[Install SDK]
      F00 -- Integrate App --> G00[Initialize SDK]
      E00[ClientID] --> G00
      G00 --> H00(Call SDK Fns)

classDef an-pink stroke:#ff4e9f,stroke-width:0.25rem;
class E00 an-pink

Arcana Auth SDK

Arcana Auth SDK helps Web3 apps to onboard users quickly, at scale, via popular social login providers. Authenticated users get access to the in-app, non-custodial Arcana wallet instantly. The built-in gasless feature enables zero gas fees for whitelisted app operations. The SDK is easy to customize and integrate with various Web3 app types.

Learn more about Arcana Auth SDK...

flowchart LR 
    subgraph Step1 [Arcana Auth SDK Usage]
    direction LR
        A1(((Start))) -- 1. Register App --> B1(Dashboard Login)
        B1  --> C1[Get Client ID] --> E1
        A1 -- 2. Integrate App --> D1[Install Auth SDK] --> E1[Initialize <code>AuthProvider</code>] --> F1[Social Login Fns]
        E1 --> G1[Web3 Wallet Ops]
        E1 --> H1[Whitelisted Gasless Txn]

classDef an-pink stroke:#ff4e9f,stroke-width:0.25rem;
class C1 an-pink
Already using Arcana Auth SDK?

Use the latest Arcana Auth SDK release: v1.0.11. Migrate from Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.10 -> v1.0.11.

Versions older than Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.10 may encounter potential breaking changes that require app reconfiguration, integration code updates, and redeployment. Refer to the Migration Guides and Release Notes.

Auth Quick Start

Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK

The Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK extends the gasless feature for third-party, browser-based wallets. The SDK works independently of the Arcana Auth SDK.

Learn More about Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK...

flowchart LR
      subgraph Step1 [Arcana Auth SDK Usage]
      direction LR
      A1(((Start))) -- 1. Register App --> B1(Dashboard Login)
      B1  --> C1[Get Client ID] --> E1
      A1 -- 2. Integrate App --> D1[Install Gasless SDK] --> E1[Initialize <code>SCW</code>] --> F1[Gasless Txn]
      E1 --> G1[Get Accounts]

classDef an-pink stroke:#ff4e9f,stroke-width:0.25rem;
class C1 an-pink
Already using Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK?

Use the latest Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK release: v0.0.37.

Gasless Quick Start

More Information

New to Web3? See Tutorials and Learn More...

Seasoned Web3 Developer? Try Auth and Gasless via Sandpack examples. Also, check Developer Guides, SDK References, Deployment and Migration Guides.

New to Arcana wallet? See Wallet User Guide.

Last update: June 12, 2024 by shaloo