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The Arcana SDKs support EVM as well as non-EVM compatible chains. Note that the chains supported for gasless transactions may be limited to a different, smaller set of chains.

Arcana Auth SDK

The Arcana Auth SDK offer a built-in, embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet to authenticated app users for signing blockchain transactions. The Arcana wallet supports all EVM-compatible blockchain networks as well as select non-EVM chains.

By default, a pre-configured list of chains is enabled for the Arcana wallet. App developers can add additional supported chains to this pre-configured list. Once the user authenticates, only the chains in the pre-configured list are displayed in the Arcana wallet UI dropdown. Users can add other supported chains through the wallet UI and switch networks if required.

Pre-configured Arcana wallet blockchains

  • Arbitrum
  • Arbitrum Goerli
  • Avalanche
  • Base Mainnet
  • Base Testnet (Goerli)
  • Base Testnet (Sepolia)
  • Berachain bArtio Testnet V1
  • Berachain bArtio Testnet V2
  • Bitlayer Testnet
  • Bitlayer Mainnet
  • BNB Smart Chain (BSC)
  • BSC Testnet
  • B2 Network Testnet
  • B2 Network Mainnet
  • BOB
  • BOB Testnet
  • Caduceus
  • Ethereum
  • IoTeX
  • Linea Goerli
  • Linea Mainnet
  • opBNB
  • opBNB Testnet
  • Optimism
  • Optimism Goerli
  • Polygon
  • Polygon Amoy
  • Polygon zkEVM Testnet
  • Scroll Mainnet
  • Scroll Testnet (Sepolia)
  • Sepolia
  • Shardeum Sphinx 1.x
  • Vanar Mainnet
  • Vanar Testnet (Vanguard)
  • zkSync Era Mainnet
  • zkSync Era Testnet (ETH)
  • MultiversX
  • MultiversX Testnet
  • MultiversX Devnet
  • Solana
  • Solana Testnet
  • Solana Dev
  • Near
  • Near Testnet
Pre-configured Blockchains
Pre-configured Blockchains

Updating default pre-configured list

To include a new EVM-compatible chain in Arcana Auth's default pre-configured list, Arcana collaborates strategically with the chain's team/community. While we can add any such chain, our approach aims to increase the Arcana Auth adoption and maximize our reach and engagement within the chain's development community.

Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK

The Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK is powered by Biconomy's gasless infrastructure. It supports the same blockchain networks as Biconomy. Refer to the supported networks for gasless transactions.

Gasless Transactions

Note that the supported gasless networks may not be the same as the list of chains supported by the Arcana wallet and the Arcana Auth SDK.

Last update: June 12, 2024 by shaloo