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Arcana Auth SDK

Estimated time to read: 4 minutes

Arcana Auth SDK provides easy user onboarding to Web3 apps via social login. Authenticated users can access the in-app, non-custodial Arcana wallet instantly to sign blockchain transactions. Developers can enable gasless transactions and whitelist app operations to incentivize users. Arcana Auth SDK is a client-side library that integrates with various kinds of Web3 apps.

Auth Quick Start


  1. Use Arcana Developer Dashboard to register the app and configure social login, wallet UX, and gasless settings.
  2. Install SDK and integrate the app.
  3. Call SDK methods to onboard users via the configured social login providers, call JSON/RPC Web3 wallet operations via the Arcana wallet, enable gasless transactions through the Arcana wallet.
  4. Deploy Apps on Testnet/Mainnet.

Dashboard lots of apps
Developer Dashboard

  1. Log into the app, access in-app Arcana wallet and sign blockchain transactions.
  2. Web3 wallet operations: Use wallet UI to check wallet balance, send and receive tokens/NFTs, add/switch blockchain networks, etc.

Arcana wallet Token Tab
Arcana Wallet

Key Features

Onboard Users

  • Quick user onboarding with minimal code.
  • Supports diverse Web3 app types: HTML/CSS/JS, React, Next.js, Vue, Wagmi, RainbowKit, WalletConnect, Web3-React, Mobile, Gaming and more.
  • Customizable onboarding: social login, IAM providers, or passwordless options.

Web3 Wallet Transactions

  • Authenticated users get instant access to an in-app wallet to sign blockchain transactions.
  • Manage wallet UX with easy customization and pre-configured blockchain networks.
  • Web3 wallet operations: send/receive tokens, manage NFTs, deploy/interact with contracts, etc.


  • Authenticated Web3 app users can securely sign blockchain transactions.
  • Powered by state-of-the-art asynchronous distributed key generation protocol for robust, scalable, key share generation and access security.

Gasless Transactions

  • Developers can specify which app operations are gasless.
  • Easy to set up gas tanks and deposit gas fees.
  • Users don't pay gas fees for gasless transactions; third-party sponsors or app developers pay gas fees.

Easy to Use

  • In-app, non-custodial wallet available instantly after a user logs in.
  • Users don't need to install any browser extensions.
  • Requires no seed phrase.
  • Global keyspace option allows wallet sharing across apps integrated with the SDK.
  • Wallet is pre-configured with a subset of supported chains.

Last update: June 26, 2024 by shaloo