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White-labeled SDK

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The white-labeled feature of the Arcana Auth SDK allows Web3 app developers to disable the built-in, embedded Arcana wallet UI and use a custom wallet UI instead.

To use a custom wallet UI, the developers must enable the white-labeled auth feature via the Arcana Developer Dashboard at the time of registering the application. Once an app is registered so, it cannot be reconfigured to use the built-in Arcana wallet.

Developers using the custom wallet UI have the onus to create wallet UI and also build the logic for displaying the notification screens to seek the user's approval before issuing a blockchain transaction via the custom wallet UI. In this configuration, no built-in Arcana wallet UI or transaction notification screen is displayed via the Arcana Auth SDK.

Global Keys Not supported

For security, apps that select custom wallet UI option must stick to app-specific keys only. Global Keys option is not allowed. See Auth FAQ for details.

Last update: April 11, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo