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The Web3 Universe & Arcana

Are you new to Web3?

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Arcana Auth SDK allows Web3 apps to onboard users seamlessly through supported authentication providers. Authenticated users instantly access the embedded Arcana wallet, enabling them to sign blockchain transactions. Developers can programmatically perform Web3 wallet operations, such as token transfers and checking balances, and standard Ethereum JSON-RPC calls for blockchain transactions, in the user's context.

Skip to Arcana SDKs

If you're experienced with Web3, including user onboarding, passwordless login, and Web3 wallet operations, feel free to skip the beginner's section and dive into the 'Understanding Arcana Auth' section below.

Beginners Journey

Get a firm grip on the topics listed under the prerequisites section. These will help you later while building your privacy-preserving Web3 apps by integrating with the Arcana SDKs.


Step 1: Understanding Arcana Auth SDK

Now that you are familiar with the basics, let us take a look at what Arcana Auth is and what it can do for Web3 app developers.

Step 2: Getting Started with the Arcana Auth SDK

Register App: First register the app using the Arcana Developer Dashboard. Then configure user onboarding settings before integrating the app and calling any Arcana Auth SDK functions for Web3 wallet operations. Optionally, configure gasless transaction settings.

Install & Integrate App: Install the Arcana Auth SDK and integrate the app. Once integrated, use the AuthProvider interface to call SDK functions to onboard users via the configured social login providers.

Onboard Users: Use the built-in plug-and-play login UI or build a custom login UI to onboard users. Onboarding users with Arcana Auth SDK plug-and-play feature requires a single line of code! For details, see how to onboard users.

Wallet Ops: Use the built-in Arcana wallet UI or build a custom wallet UI. The embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet is instantly available to authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions. For details, see Arcana wallet Developer's Guide and Arcana wallet User Guide.

Deploy App: Begin by deploying the integrated app on the Testnet. A default Testnet configuration profile associated with all the registered apps. Then create a Mainnet configuration profile to deploy on the Mainnet. For details, see Deployment Guide and how to migrate an app deployed on the Testnet to the Mainnet.

Step 3: Example Code

This is a vanilla HTML/JS application that integrates with the Arcana Auth SDK, allows users to onboard via configured authentication providers and enables the authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions via the Arcana wallet.

Auth Example (GitHub)

Learn how to integrate Arcana Auth SDK in a simple React Application.

React Example

Milestone Achieved!


You have now graduated to the next level - Web3 developer.

Step 4: Advanced Usage

For advanced options related to user onboarding and the Arcana Auth SDK usage, you can check out Arcana Auth SDK usage and Arcana Auth SDK Reference Guide. Refer to Auth Examples on GitHub to see how to integrate different types of apps with the Arcana Auth SDK.

To extend the Arcana wallet gasless feature to other third-party wallets, configure and integrate the app with the Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK. See Gasless Quick Start Guide for details.


If you run into any new user usage issues, check out Arcana Auth FAQs and Troubleshooting Guide.

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Last update: June 11, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo