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What is Arcana Auth?

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes

Arcana offers an infrastructure solution, a platform that allows Web3 app developers to quickly build privacy-preserving Web3 applications. Developers can onboard users through a simplified Web3 onboarding process. Our product, Arcana Auth, makes it easy for developers to integrate their apps and allow authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions quickly.

The Arcana Auth product consists of two key components:

  • Arcana Auth SDK
  • Arcana Developer Dashboard

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Arcana Auth Components

    🔐 Address Web3 user onboarding, data privacy challenges faced by Web3 apps by integrating with the Arcana Auth SDK.

    🔐 Enable frictionless, familiar Web2 user onboarding experience via several supported authentication providers, and passwordless login.

    🔐 Let app users securely sign blockchain transactions with the embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet and manage wallet visibility setting, for a seamless user experience.

Developers can use the secure standard Ethereum provider interface exposed by the Arcana wallet in the context of authenticated users to programmatically call Web3 wallet operations.

    🖥️ Use the Arcana Developer Dashboard to register and configure an app before integrating it with the Arcana Auth SDK.

    🖥️ Select the user onboarding experience and the blockchain signing experience as per the use case.


Last update: March 15, 2024 by shaloo