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Wallet UI Modes

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

The Arcana wallet is an embedded, non-custodial Web3 wallet that is enabled for every user that logs into an app integrated with the Arcana Auth SDK. App developers can manage the wallet user experience by choosing the built-in Arcana wallet UI or building a custom wallet UI and enabling authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions with the configured wallet UI.

Built-in Arcana wallet UI

To use the built-in Arcana wallet UI, developers can keep the default 'Arcana Wallet UI' setting while creating a new app using the Arcana Developer Dashboard. This is a one-time setting and cannot be reverted once the app is registered with the Arcana, configured and deployed on the Testnet or the Mainnet.

Custom Wallet UI

To use a custom wallet UI, developers must choose the 'Custom UI' setting while creating a new app using the Arcana Developer Dashboard. This is a one-time setting and cannot be reverted once the app is registered with the Arcana, configured and deployed on the Testnet or the Mainnet.

AuthProvider: appMode and alwaysVisible flags

Developers can control two key aspects of the user experience related to the wallet.

  1. App UI Mode: Manage whether the user experiences the Arcana wallet UI or a custom wallet UI.
  2. Always Visible: Manage whether the authenticated user can access the wallet that shows up at all times in the app context or shows up only when a blockchain transaction is triggered.

These user experiences are managed by the appMode and the alwaysVisible flags in the AuthProvider constructor.

appMode: This can only be set via the dashboard Wallet UI Mode setting that is configured at the time of creating a new app entry and registering the app. It is used to choose a custom wallet UI or the Arcana wallet UI experience for the app users. The appMode flag is ignored when the Arcana wallet UI selected.

alwaysVisible: If the developer chooses to use the built-in Arcana wallet UI via the Wallet UI Mode setting in the dashboard while creating and registering the app, then the alwaysVisible flag can be used to manage when the Arcana wallet UI is visible in the app's context. By default, it is set to true so the Arcana wallet UI is always visible in the app's context as a minimized widget. When set to false, the Arcana wallet UI shows up only when a blockchain transaction is triggered or if the developer calls showWallet method of the AuthProvider. The alwaysVisible flag is ignored when custom UI is selected via the Wallet UI Mode setting in the dashboard.


App developers can choose to use the showWallet() method of the AuthProvider to display the wallet programmatically. This is useful when using the alwaysVisible=false configuration.

Last update: April 11, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo