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Switching Networks

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Apps integrate with the Arcana Auth SDK to quickly and securely enable user authentication and blockchain signing features for the supported networks. After logging in, the authenticated user can access the embedded, non-custodial Web3 wallet - the Arcana wallet instantly and can sign blockchain transactions for any supported networks.

Network Options

By default, authenticated app users can choose from a pre-configured set of blockchain networks. This set is displayed in a dropdown list in the Arcana wallet UI. Users can simply select one of the configured networks and switch networks.

Developers can add additional supported networks displayed in the Arcana wallet UI through the Arcana Developer Dashboard or programmatically add those in the app. Also, the developers can specify which blockchain network will be displayed as the currently active one when the user logs in. Developers can also initiate a network switch programmatically by using the wallet_addEthereumChain and wallet_switchEthereumChain blockchain requests in the app. Once initiated, the switch transaction has to be approved by the authenticated user before the switch occurs.

Add Options

There is a basic default set of pre-configured networks available to all apps that integrate with the Arcana Auth SDK. This basic default set shows up in the Arcana wallet UI even if the app developer does not configure any of the supported networks through the Arcana Developer Dashboard or programmatically in the app code.

Neither app developers nor users can change this basic default set of networks. However, both developers as well as app users can add additional networks that are supported by the Arcana Auth SDK. The additional networks configured by the developer through the Arcana Developer Dashboard or programmatically in the app will always show up when the user logs in and accesses the wallet. However, any new network added by the user through the Arcana wallet UI, persists only during the current login session.

Switching Behavior

The user experience for network switching varies depending upon the alwaysVisible input parameter value for the AuthProvider specified by the app developer while integrating the app with the Arcana Auth SDK. This flag controls whether the Arcana wallet UI is always visible in the app's context after a user logs in or it is displayed selectively only when a blockchain transaction is triggered by the app.


Users can access the Arcana wallet UI immediately after login. They can switch the active network by simply choosing a different network from the dropdown list in the UI.

A developer can also programmatically initiate a network switch blockchain request. The actual network switch occurs only when the user approves this blockchain request.


In this case, the Arcana wallet UI does not show up automatically after a user logs in. So users cannot initiate network switch operations using the UI.

App developers can programmatically initiate a network switch blockchain request. The actual network switch occurs only when the user approves this blockchain request.

Custom Network Added by Users

Only the list of networks configured by the developer programmatically or via the dashboard settings is persisted across the user login sessions. Any additional blockchain network configuration changes introduced by the application users via the Arcana wallet UI are only stored locally. Users must re-configure those custom network configurations each time they log in.

Last update: March 15, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo