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Quick Start: React/Next.js Apps

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes

Arcana Auth SDK lets you onboard users to 'React/Next.js' Web3 App quickly!


  • React Version 18.00 or higher
  • TypeScript Version 5.00 or higher

1. Register & Configure

2. Install SDKs

For 'React/Next.js' app, install the following packages:

npm install --save @arcana/auth @arcana/auth-react
yarn add @arcana/auth  @arcana/auth-react
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Use latest SDKs

Use the latest Arcana Auth SDK release: v1.0.11. Migrate from Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.10 -> v1.0.11.

Versions older than Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.10 may encounter potential breaking changes that require app reconfiguration, integration code updates, and redeployment. Refer to the Migration Guides and Release Notes.

In addition to the latest Arcana Auth SDK, for React apps, you must also use the latest Arcana Auth React SDK release: v0.0.3

3. Integrate

import { AuthProvider } from '@arcana/auth'

Create a new AuthProvider instance. Specify the unique Client ID obtained during the app registration. This gives you access to a Web3 provider.

const auth = new AuthProvider(
  "xar_test_445007f942xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx484cAfd2", // App client ID
    position: 'left',         // default: right
    theme: 'light',           // default: dark
    alwaysVisible: false,     // default: true, wallet always visible
    setWindowProvider: true,  // default: false, window.ethereum not set
    connectOptions: {
      compact: true           // default: false, regular plug-and-play login UI
    chainConfig: {
      chainId: '137',                    // defaults to Ethereum
      rpcUrl: '', // defaults to ''
AuthProvider Optional Parameters

Besides Client ID input parameter, you can optionally customize these settings in the AuthProvider constructor:

position: wallet position within the app context - left|right

theme: wallet theme - light|dark

connectOptions: built-in login UI compact mode - true|false

See AuthProvider constructor parameters for details.

import { StrictMode } from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { AuthProvider } from "@arcana/auth";
import { ProvideAuth } from "@arcana/auth-react";
import App from "./App";

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
const root = createRoot(rootElement);

const provider = new AuthProvider(

    <ProvideAuth provider={provider}>
      <App />

import React from "react";
import { Auth } from "@arcana/auth-react";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Sample Auth React App</h1>
      <Auth />

Onboard Users

The built-in, plug-and-play login UI is enabled by default.

Update the App.js file by importing Auth from the auth-react package and render it in the App function to bring up the default login UI component. You can configure the wallet UI theme layout using Auth component props. Once the user clicks to log in, they will see the built-in, plug-and-play login UI pop up in the app context displaying all the configured authentication providers.

import { StrictMode } from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { AuthProvider } from "@arcana/auth";
import { ProvideAuth } from "@arcana/auth-react";

import App from "./App";

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
const root = createRoot(rootElement);
const provider = new AuthProvider(
    network: "mainnet",
    theme: "light",
    connectOptions: {
      compact: true,
    chainConfig: {
      chainId: "80001"
); //See SDK Reference Guide for optional parameters

    <ProvideAuth provider={provider}>
      <App />
import { Auth } from "@arcana/auth-react";

// Use <Auth/> to use the built-in, plug & play login UI
function App() {
  const [theme, setTheme] = React.useState("light");
  return (
      <Auth theme={theme} />

export default App;

You can also use the useAuth hook and refer to the Auth component states.

import { useAuth } from "@arcana/auth-react";

function App() {
  const { loading, isLoggedIn, connect, user } = useAuth()

  const onConnectClick = async () => {
    try {
      await connect(); // Built-in, plug & play login UI
    } catch (err) {
      console.log({ err });
      // Handle error

  if (loading) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;
  if (!isLoggedIn) {
    return (
      <button onClick={onConnectClick}>
        Login UI (Built-in)

export default App

The figure below shows the built-in login UI plug-and-play pop-up authentication screen for a test app.

Plug-and-Play Login UI
Plug-and-play Login UI

Compact Login UI

You can choose to use a compact form of the built-in login UI modal instead of the regular one.

Login UI Options
Login UI Options

No plug-and-play support for Firebase authentication.

The plug and play feature of the Arcana Auth product is not supported for Firebase. Developers must build a custom login UI and add code to onboard users. For details, see onboarding users via Firebase and custom login UI

Custom Login UI

You can onboard users through a custom login UI instead of the built-in plug-and-play one. See how to use custom login UI for onboarding users in a 'React/Next.js' app for details.

Arcana JWT Token

Upon successful authentication, Arcana Auth SDK returns a unique JWT token to the app called the Arcana JWT Token. App developers can access this token via getUser() method and refer to the loginToken field of the UserInfo object.

Developers can use this token to verify the user and subsequently generate another token for app use if required.

In the future, the Arcana JWT Token will be deprecated. Use userDIDToken to verify user.

Upon successful authentication, Arcana Auth SDK returns a unique DID token to the app called the Arcana DID Token. App developers can access this token via getUser() method and refer to the userDIDToken field of the UserInfo object.

Developers can use this token to verify the user and subsequently generate another token for app use.

Sign Transactions

Use the standard JSON RPC Web3 wallet operations supported by the AuthProvider.

Manage the user experience for signing blockchain transactions by choosing the default, built-in Arcana wallet UI and tinkering with the wallet visibility or selecting a custom wallet UI.

4. Deploy

That's all!

Your 'React/Next.js' app is now powered by Arcana Auth SDK and Arcana Auth React SDK to quickly onboard users and allow authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions.

See Also

Arcana Auth SDK Quick Links

Last update: April 12, 2024 by shaloo