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Integration Checklist

Estimated time to read: 5 minutes

The integration checklists can help developers quickly integrate the Arcana Auth SDK with Web3 apps and enable social login to onboard users. The process may vary depending upon the Web3 app type and the blockchain where the app is deployed.

Chain Type

Use this checklist for Web3 apps supported EVM chains.

Use this checklist for Web3 apps supported non-EVM chains.

App Type

Use this checklist for vanilla HTML/CSS/JS apps, React/NextJS, and Vue Web3 apps.

  • 1. Register Web3 app, choose EVM/non-EVM chain type as required during app registration and configure the active and default chains via the dashboard. Get Arcana Client ID.

  • 2. Configure Social Login providers through the dashboard (optional).

  • 3. Install Arcana Auth SDK. For React/NextJS apps, also install the Arcana Auth React SDK.

  • 4. Integrate the app by following app-specific integration instructions:

  • 5. Onboard users as per the app type and onboarding options:

  • 6. Add code to issue supported Web3 wallet operations, and JSON/RPC functions in the authenticated user's context. Note that the supported Web3 wallet operations may vary depending upon the chain type, EVM or non-EVM.

Use this checklist for Web3 apps using wallet connectors such as Wagmi, RainbowKit, WalletConnect and Web3-React.

Use this checklist for Web3 mobile apps built using Flutter or React-Native frameworks.

  • 1. Register Web3 app, choose EVM/non-EVM chain type as required during app registration and configure the active and default chains via the dashboard. Get Arcana Client ID.

  • 2. Configure Social Login providers through the dashboard (optional).

  • 3. Install Arcana Auth Flutter SDK or Arcana Auth React-Native SDK depending upon the app type.

  • 4. Integrate the app and onboard users by following app-specific integration instructions:

  • 5. Add code to issue supported Web3 wallet operations, and JSON/RPC functions in the authenticated user's context. Note that the supported Web3 wallet operations may vary depending upon the chain type, EVM or non-EVM.

Use this checklist for Web3 Unity apps.

Global Keys

Global keys automatically enable all supported social login providers for an app. No dashboard configuration is needed. When using global keys with a custom login UI, app developers can choose which providers to allow for user login. However, with the default plug-and-play login UI and global keys, disabling default social login providers is not possible.

Last update: January 31, 2025 by shaloo, shaloo