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Deployed Contracts

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The table below lists various Arcana smart contracts based on the contract type and purpose.

Arcana Contract Type/Category Purpose
Arcana.sol [V1 or V2] Beacon Proxy/Core System Main logic contract for Arcana Store operations primarily associated with managing user data privacy and access control.
Factory.sol UUPS Proxy/Core System Smart contract generator per app that registers with Arcana
ArcanaBeacon.sol UUPS Proxy/Core System Smart contract to manage the per app association between the latest Arcana.sol main logic contract and the app
BeaconProxy.sol Beacon Proxy/dApp This is a per app smart contract that stores the data related to the program state. It interacts with ArcanaBeacon.sol smart contract to refer to the latest Arcana Auth product core logic contract.
Forwarder.sol UUPS Proxy/Core System Manages meta transactions for app users. Forwards Gateway proxy calls (on behalf of the app) to Arcana.sol main logic contract
NodeList.sol Core System Keeps track of ADKG nodes and their epochs.


The Arcana.sol contract is crucial for the Arcana Auth protocol. It handles UI configuration for managing blockchain transaction signing experience. Itโ€™s an upgradable beacon proxy and shares metadata with other contracts via pass-through data mechanisms.


When a new app registers with Arcana, the factory contract activates. This singleton UUPS proxy contract generates app-specific BeaconProxy.sol contracts and implements core system logic.


During registration with Arcana Developer Dashboard, each app gets a BeaconProxy contract. The Arcana Factory.sol deploys it. The BeaconProxy always points to the latest Arcana.sol version, managed by ArcanaBeacon.sol.


The ArcanaBeacon contract points to the latest Arcana Auth core logic, whether V1, V2, or Vn. Itโ€™s a UUPS proxy upgradable contract, ensuring the Arcana Auth Protocol remains upgradeable.


The UUPS proxy upgradable Forwarder.sol manages meta transactions, which are Ethereum transactions containing another transaction. Meta transactions allow external entities like the Arcana Gateway to pay gas fees, thus easing onboarding for new users. The Gateway uses them for Arcana Auth data and access. Forwarder.sol works with an ERC-2771 compatible contract to forward transactions from the Gateway to the core Arcana.sol contract.


NodeList.sol manages the Arcana Auth DKG protocol. It tracks public ADKG node information, epoch details, the buffer size for โ€˜pre-generatedโ€™ keys, and validator node whitelisting.

Contract Flows

The workflows below show how Arcana smart contracts implement the Arcana Auth protocol:

  1. Data access flow
  2. New app registration flow

Arcana Data Access Flow Arcana Data Access Flow

  • All app user operation-related calls made via the client-side Arcana Auth SDK are intercepted by the Arcana Gateway.

  • The Gateway executes the meta transactions with relevant data and signatures.

  • Forwarder forwards the transaction via the per-app BeaconProxy.sol smart contract.

  • The BeaconProxy requests the current Arcana core system contract, Arcana.sol, from the ArcanaBeacon.sol contract.

  • After receiving the address of the latest Arcana core system contract from the ArcanaBeacon contract, the BeaconProxy delegates the forwarded call to the Arcana system contract.

  • Arcana contract actually executes the transaction.

New app Registration Flow New app Registration Flow

  • When a new app is registered at the Arcana Developer Dashboard, it interacts with the Arcana Gateway to initialize the program state of the app.
  • The Factory.sol smart contract is invoked to create a new BeaconProxy.sol contract that is solely associated with this newly registered app. Each app has its own BeaconProxy contract deployed.

  • The BeaconProxy.sol contract stores the per-app data related to the program state.

  • The BeaconProxy communicates with the ArcanaBeacon contract to obtain the address of the latest Arcana core system contract. This ensures that each app contract knows and utilizes the latest supported Arcana Auth protocol.

Last update: July 29, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo