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Release Notes Arcana Auth (Testnet)

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Version: v0.3.0

Release Date: December 2022

This release of the Arcana Auth product consists of the following components:

What's New?

New iconNew iconAuth SDK iconAuth SDK icon

NFT Support

A new wallet tab is now available to manage and view details related to the NFTs owned by the wallet address.

  • View any NFT of the type image, audio, or video
  • Transfer NFTs from within the wallet
  • Easily add NFTs to the wallet by searching from a list of popular collections on Ethereum Mainnet

Refer to the documentation on managing NFT Assets.

View NFT Assets
View NFT Assets

Combined notification UI

This release has a new UI for blockchain transaction notifications. This combined notification UI in the Arcana wallet lists the following type of blockchain transaction activity:

  • Send transactions for native as well as custom ERC20 tokens
  • Send transactions for NFTs
  • Smart contract deployment
  • Smart contract interaction

See the notifications tab for details.

Activity Tab
Activity Tab

Add Tokens Programmatically

Arcana wallet now supports the programmatic addition of custom tokens by application developers via the eth_watchAsset JSON RPC function.


  • The Arcana Storage SDK is no longer supported. If you were using the Storage SDK in your application, contact the Arcana support team.

  • The activity tab was earlier located next to the assets tab in the Arcana wallet UI. All the information displayed in the activity tab earlier can now be accessed via the newly added notifications tab.

Bug Fixes

  • The logout issue related to the passwordless authentication has been fixed


If you were using the Arcana Auth SDK v0.2.2 release or earlier, we highly recommend that you refer to the Arcana Auth 0.3.0 Migration Guide.

Get Started

Ready to dive in?

See Arcana Auth Quick Start Guide and the how-to guides for details.

Check out the sample dApp integration example for apps using React , Next.js , and Vue frameworks.


Refer to the Arcana Auth FAQ, Troubleshooting Guide, and other developer resources, or contact Arcana Support.

Last update: April 12, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo