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Quick Start: Gasless Apps

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Web3 apps can easily onboard users via social login and enable gasless transactions through Arcana wallet by integrating with the Arcana Auth SDK!

Third-party wallets

Developers can enable gasless transactions in third-party wallets by integrating the app with the Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK. See Gasless (Third-Party wallets) Quick Start Guide for details.

1. Register App

Log into the Arcana Developer Dashboard:

In the Manage Apps dashboard screen, create a new app entry to register app. Each app is assigned a unique Client ID at registration. The Client ID is used for integrating the app with the Arcana Auth SDK.

A default Testnet configuration profile is associated with the registered app.

2. Configure Gasless

Follow the instructions here to configure gasless feature usage as per your app requirements. You will be required to set up gas tanks for your app, deposit gas fees, and provide smart contract ABI details to whitelist one or more app operations that should happen in a gasless manner.

3. Install SDK

Install the Arcana Auth SDK and use the built-in gasless feature to enable gasless transactions via the Arcana wallet.

npm install --save @arcana/auth
yarn add @arcana/auth
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Use latest SDKs

Use the latest Arcana Auth SDK release: v1.0.11. Migrate from Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.10 -> v1.0.11.

Versions older than Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.10 may encounter potential breaking changes that require app reconfiguration, integration code updates, and redeployment. Refer to the Migration Guides and Release Notes.

4. Integrate

Developers can enable gasless transactions through the Arcana wallet by integrating with the Arcana Auth SDK. Follow the instructions on how to integrate with the Arcana Auth SDK for details.

Onboard Users

Web3 apps can enable gasless transactions for authenticated users.

To enable the Arcana wallet, developers have to install the Arcana Auth SDK and integrate with it. The developers have a choice to use the social login user onboarding feature offered by the Arcana Auth SDK and select the built-in plug-and-play login UI or a custom login UI option to onboard users.

Sign Transactions

Developers can add Web3 wallet operations programmatically in the context of authenticated users and allow them to sign transactions. The gas tanks set up by the app developer are used to pay the gas fees for whitelisted app operations.

There are no special functions for enabling gasless transactions via the Arcana wallet. Simply add code for the supported Web3 wallet operations and use the standard EIP-1193 JSON/RPC calls for signing blockchain transactions. The SDK automatically checks the gasless configuration settings and ensures that only the whitelisted app operations do not incur any gas fees from the user's SCW account.

5. Deploy App

That's all!

Your app is now powered by the Arcana Auth SDK to support gasless transactions via the Arcana wallet.

See Also

Arcana Auth SDK Quick Links

Last update: April 12, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo