MultiversX Wallet Ops
Estimated time to read: 3 minutes
Use AuthProvider
, the standard EIP-1193 Ethereum provider offered by the Arcana Auth SDK, for issuing Web3 wallet operations via the Arcana wallet.
Register the app and configure SDK usage settings for social login providers, manage app chains and wallet user experience.
Install the required SDK packages as per the app type, integrate the SDK and create
Supported Web3 Operations
Other MultiversX wallet connect JSON RPC methods listed here are not supported at the moment.
// Integrate App with the Auth SDK
const { AuthProvider } = window.arcana.auth
let provider
let from = ''
const auth = new AuthProvider('xar_dev_34-arcana-registered-client-id-xxxxx')
provider = auth.provider
//Initialize AuthProvider
await auth.init()
// Get Accounts
try {
const accounts = await provider.request({ method: 'getAccounts' })
from = accounts[0]
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e })
// Returns an array of public keys
// ["pub-key-1"]
// Integrate App with the Auth SDK
const { AuthProvider } = window.arcana.auth
let provider
let from = ''
const auth = new AuthProvider('xar_dev_34-arcana-registered-client-id-xxxxx')
provider = auth.provider
//Initialize AuthProvider
await auth.init()
//Get Public Key
await provider.request({
method: "getPublicKey",
params: [from],
// Returns public key
// {pk: "some-pub-key"}
// Integrate App with the Auth SDK
const { AuthProvider } = window.arcana.auth
let provider
let from = ''
const auth = new AuthProvider('xar_dev_34-arcana-registered-client-id-xxxxx')
provider = auth.provider
//Initialize AuthProvider
await auth.init()
// Get Accounts
try {
const accounts = await provider.request({ method: 'getAccounts' })
from = accounts[0]
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e })
// Onboard users via plug-n-play login or custom login UI
// auth.connect() or auth.loginWithSocial
try {
const provider = await auth.connect()
console.log({ provider })
} catch (error) {
console.log({ error })
// For authenticated users, add code for signing message
const personalSign = await provider.request({
method: 'mvx_signMessage',
params: {
message: 'SignMessage to test MultiversX signmessage',
address: from,
// Returns signature object
// {signature: "some-sig"}
// Integrate App with the Auth SDK
const { AuthProvider } = window.arcana.auth
let provider
let from = ''
const auth = new AuthProvider('xar_dev_34-arcana-registered-client-id-xxxxx')
provider = auth.provider
//Initialize AuthProvider
await auth.init()
// Get Accounts
try {
const accounts = await provider.request({ method: 'getAccounts' })
from = accounts[0]
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e })
// Onboard users via plug-n-play login or custom login UI
// auth.connect() or auth.loginWithSocial
try {
const provider = await auth.connect()
console.log({ provider })
} catch (error) {
console.log({ error })
// For authenticated users, add code for signing transaction
const params = {
transaction: {
gasLimit: 100000,
sender: from,
value: '0.01',
chainID: 'T',
data: 'helloWorld-from MultiversX',
version: 1,
const data = await provider.request({
method: 'mvx_signTransaction',
// Returns signature object
// {signature: "some-sig", options: 0, version: 1}
// Integrate App with the Auth SDK
const { AuthProvider } = window.arcana.auth
let provider
let from = ''
const auth = new AuthProvider('xar_dev_34-arcana-registered-client-id-xxxxx')
provider = auth.provider
//Initialize AuthProvider
await auth.init()
// Get Accounts
try {
const accounts = await provider.request({ method: 'getAccounts' })
from = accounts[0]
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e })
// Onboard users via plug-n-play login or custom login UI
// auth.connect() or auth.loginWithSocial
try {
const provider = await auth.connect()
console.log({ provider })
} catch (error) {
console.log({ error })
// For authenticated users, add code for signing transaction
const transaction = {
gasLimit: 100000,
sender: from,
receiver: "erdXXXXXXXX-some-address-YYYYYYYYYY",
value: "0.001",
chainID: "T",
data: "helloWorld-from MultiversX",
version: 1,
const params = {
// You can use multiple transactions, this sample just
// repeats the same one.
transactions: [transaction, transaction, transaction],
const data = await provider.request({
method: 'mvx_signTransactions',
//Returns Signature Object - see format below
// {
// signatures: [
// {signature: "some-sig-1", options: 0, version: 1},
// {signature: "some-sig-2", options: 0, version: 1},
// {signature: "some-sig-3", options: 0, version: 1}
// ]
// }
Last update:
July 16, 2024 by