Testnet Configuration Profile
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Each registered app is associated with Testnet and Mainnet configuration profiles. By default, only the Testnet profile is active. See how to create Mainnet profile for app deployment on the Mainnet.
App Deployment: Testnet
You can view or update the default Testnet configuration profile in the Arcana Developer Dashboard. Copy the unique Client ID assigned to the apps' Testnet profile. Integrate the app with the Arcana Auth SDK by creating a new AuthProvider using this Client ID.
import {AuthProvider} from "@arcana/auth";
const provider = new AuthProvider(
"xar_test_87f34a9c7879cd4b726ba36a99e164837d70143a", { // testnet Client ID
// network: 'testnet', // optional
chainConfig: {
chainId: '80002', // selected chain in the wallet network dropdown UI
rpcUrl: 'https://rpc.ankr.com/polygon_amoy', // RPC URL of the selected chain in the wallet network dropdown UI
alwaysVisible: true,
setWindowProvider: true,
debug: true,
position: 'right',
theme: 'dark',
try {
await auth.init()
} catch (e) {
// Handle exception case

Note that the user's wallet address is different when the same app is deployed on Testnet and Mainnet. Wallet banner highlights Testnet use.

Last update:
September 2, 2024 by