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Near Setup

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

This guide explains how to use the Arcana Developer Dashboard and set up Near blockchain network, a non-EVM blockchain network so that the Arcana wallet users can seamlessly start using the Near networks.


Logging into Arcana Developer Dashboard requires an account with a supported social login provider or an email for passwordless access.

  • Google
  • GitHub
  • Twitch
  • Discord

Visit and log in using one of the available options.

Welcome screen
Developer Dashboard Login Page

Aggregate Login

The Arcana Developer Dashboard protocol combines multiple login identities from social providers into single Arcana account. This means developers can log into the Arcana Developer Dashboard with any supported login provider. They will still access the same Arcana developer account and app settings.

Register App

Log into the Arcana Developer Dashboard to register the app. Create a new app and select the chain type as Near.

Non-EVM Chains

When registering an app through Arcana Developer Dashboard, the choice of chain type (EVM, Solana, MultiversX, Near) is final. App developers can't change it later. They can switch the default chain within the same type. For example, a Solana app on Testnet can switch to Solana Mainnet or Solana Dev but not to MultiversX or an EVM chain.

Register Near App
Register Near App

Configure App

The chain type and the default chain are already pre-configured during the app registration. Use the Chain Management configuration section to configure the Near chains.

Manage Near chains

In the Manage Apps screen select the requisite configuration profile to bring up the app dashboard page. In the LHS click Configure and select Chain Management.

Select one of the available Near chains displayed on the screen. You can mark it as default or edit the chain settings.

Default Chain

Choose a chain and select the '...' displayed against the entry in the dashboard. A dropdown menu will show up. Choose Set as default to mark that chain as the default chain.

By selecting a chain as the default, developers ensure that the same chain is automatically configured and displayed in the wallet when the user logs into the app. The authenticated user can instantly sign blockchain transactions on Near, from within the app context, without having to configure the wallet.

Edit Chain

To edit a Near chain's RPC URL or the blockchain explorer URL, select the chain, click '...' and select edit option to update the required fields.

Edit Near Chain Settings
Edit Near Chain Settings

For more details on how to configure other settings such as branding, social authentication providers, delete a registered app to re-register on a different chain type, monitor app usage, etc., see Arcana Developer Dashboard User's Guide.

Next Steps

After setting up Near chains through the Arcana Developer Dashboard, you can begin integrating Near app with the Arcana Auth SDK. See Near Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to install and integrate the Arcana Auth SDK with your app. Once integrated, you can add code to onboard users and initiate Web3 wallet operations using the Near network.

See Also

Last update: September 4, 2024 by shaloo