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Arcana offers Arcana Auth SDK that integrates with Web3 apps to enable user onboarding via social login. It allows authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions through the in-app, embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet.

Get Started

flowchart LR
    subgraph Register [1.Register App]
    direction LR
      A0(((Step 1))) --> B0([Dashboard])
      B0 --> C0[Register App] --> E0[Client ID] 
      C0 -- Configure App --> D0[SDK Settings]   

classDef an-pink stroke:#ff4e9f,stroke-width:0.25rem;
class E0 an-pink
flowchart LR
    subgraph Integrate [2.Integrate SDK with App]
    direction LR
      A00(((Step 2))) --> F00[Install SDK]
      F00 -- Integrate App --> G00[Initialize SDK]
      E00[ClientID] --> G00
      G00 --> H00(Call SDK Functions)

classDef an-pink stroke:#ff4e9f,stroke-width:0.25rem;
class E00 an-pink


flowchart LR 
    subgraph Step1 [Arcana Auth SDK Usage]
    direction LR
        A1(((Start))) -- 1.Register App --> B1(Dashboard Login)
        B1  --> C1[Get Client ID] --> E1
        A1 -- 2.Integrate App --> D1[Install Auth SDK] --> E1[Initialize <code>AuthProvider</code>] --> F1[Social Login Fns]
        E1 --> G1[Web3 Wallet Ops]

classDef an-pink stroke:#ff4e9f,stroke-width:0.25rem;
class C1 an-pink

Key Features

  • Onboard users quickly, at scale, via popular social login providers.
  • Provide instant access to use the in-app, non-custodial Arcana wallet.
  • Easy to customize and integrate with various Web3 app types.
Current Version

Arcana CA SDK: Use v0.0.5.

Arcana Auth SDK: Use v1.0.11. Older versions may encounter potential breaking changes that require app reconfiguration, integration code updates, and redeployment.Migrate Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.10 -> v1.0.11.

See Also

Last update: January 31, 2025 by shaloo, shaloo