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Integrate Custom Auth App

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Integrate 'Custom-Auth' apps with Arcana Auth SDK and allow authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions with the in-app Arcana wallet.


  • The app should be registered and configured for using custom Auth using the Arcana Developer Dashboard.

  • You will require the following to integrate the app with the SDK:

    • Unique Client ID assigned to the app after registration.
    • Provider identifier value displayed in the registered app settings in the dashboard after configuring and saving the custom Auth settings.

1. Install

Depending upon the app type, you may need to install one or more SDKs and the integration code may vary from one app type to another.

2. Integrate App

Select the app type and follow the instructions to integrate the app with the SDK.

No user onboarding

When using custom authentication, apps do not onboard users via the social login feature of the Arcana Auth SDK. Simply integrate with the SDK, access AuthProvider and call loginWithCustomProvider to provision the user's keys for signing blockchain transactions.

3. Call loginWithCustomProvider

After the user logs in successfully via custom authentication solutions, get the JWT and provide it as input to the Arcana Auth SDK method below:

await auth.loginWithCustomProvider({
  token: params.token, //JWT Token
  userID: params.userID,  // Email or ID as configured in the Dashboard settings
  provider: "provider-id-name", //Custom Auth Provider identifier displayed in the Dashboard

Upon success, loginWithCustomProvider will ensure that the authenticated user's key shares are fetched locally and the user key is generated within the app/user context securely, with full privacy.

Sample Code

Refer to Custom Auth Frontend and Custom Auth Server for details. These are examples of a custom authentication server and a frontend that uses the loginWithCustomProvider method for fetching authenticated user's keys to perform blockchain transactions.

What's Next?

Use AuthProvider, the EIP-1193 provider offered by the SDK, to call supported JSON/RPC functions and Web3 wallet operations in the authenticated user's context.

See also

'Custom-Auth' integration example: See sample-auth-custom-oauth submodule in SDK Example GitHub repository.

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Last update: August 21, 2024 by shaloo