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Arcana Auth: Release Notes

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Release Date: Oct 12, 2023

Version: vOct12-23-gasless

The Arcana Auth product consists of the following components:

What's New?

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Gasless Transactions

Developers can make it easier for Web3 app users to get started and encourage more people to use their apps by removing the Web3 gas fee obstacle with the Arcana Auth gasless feature. Discover how gasless transactions work, how to configure gasless and set up gas tanks for an app. If you have any other queries regarding the gasless feature, refer to the gasless FAQ.

Debugging gasless issues

Apps that enable the gasless feature may sometimes find cryptic errors returned in case of the transaction failure. Refer to the error handling section on how to debug gasless issues and pinpoint the exact cause and fix it using Tenderly.

Gasless Usage Changes

App Users

Gasless enabled apps will not require to pay any gas fees for any of the whitelisted blockchain operations. Besides zero gas fees, the app users will see a change in their wallet address when gasless is enabled for an app.

Earlier, there was only a single EoA wallet address associated with each authenticated app user. Apps with gasless feature will require to configure gas tank for one or more blockchain networks. For such apps the app user account will be associated with two types of wallet addresses: an EoA address and a SCW address. By default, all gasless transactions happen via the SCW account. Users can switch between EoA and SCW accounts using the wallet UI.


In addition to configuring the social provider and customizing wallet experience, chains, etc., developers must set up gas tanks for the blockchain network, deposit gas in the tanks and ensure that all the requisite app operations that are supposed to be gasless get whitelisted in the gasless configuration settings. Also, developers must ensure that they use the SCW wallet address when issuing blockchain transactions that must be gasless. EoA address should be used for getPublicKey() call or to personal sign messages. The user's public/private key is associated with EoA address and not with the SCW address.

Get Started

Ready to dive in?

Use Quick Start Guides to start using Arcana Auth.

See integration examples for various dApp types, wallet connectors and frameworks.

Arcana Auth SDK: No Changes

If you already using the previous version of the Arcana Auth SDK v1.0.11, you can continue to use the latest release of the product vOct12-23-gasless. There are no updates to the Arcana Auth SDK package.

Please note, in case are using an older version of the Arcana Auth SDK prior to v1.0.10 then refer to the appropriate Migration Guides and upgrade to the latest version.

Previous Releases

See the release notes archive for details.


Refer to the Arcana Auth FAQ, Troubleshooting Guide, and other developer resources, or contact Arcana Support.

Last update: July 18, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo