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Decentralized Identifier (DID)

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Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) let Web3 app users be identified without a central authority.

A DID is a unique, privacy-preserving identifier built with blockchain technology, cryptography, and decentralized networks. It eliminates the need for centralized registries and identity providers, giving users full control.

Arcana Auth SDK uses the DID protocol, Ethereum blockchain, and elliptic curve cryptography to create verifiable proofs for user authentication and authorization.

DID Token Structure

The DID token is encoded as a Base64 JSON string tuple representing [proof, claim]:

  • Proof: A digitally signed string that is used to prove the validity of a given claim.
  • Claim: Data representing the user's access assertion.


The Arcana Auth SDK returns userDIDToken once an app user logs in successfully via the configured social login provider by using any of the supported methods of the AuthProvider:

  • Plug-and-play login connect()
  • Custom login UI methods such as loginWithSocial(), loginWithLink() (deprecated), loginWithOTPStart,loginWithOTPComplete and loginWithBearer()

Developers can use getUser() method to access the user's DID token via the UserInfo return value.

Verify DID Token

import { ethers } from "ethers";

const userInfo = await auth.getUser();
const didToken = userInfo.userDIDToken;
const data = JSON.parse(window.atob(didToken));
const [sig, claims] = data;
const parsedClaims = JSON.parse(claims)

const addr = ethers.verifyMessage(claims, sig);
if (addr == publicKeyToAddress(parsedClaims.iss)) {
// Verified
import { verify } from "@noble/ed25519"

const userInfo = await auth.getUser();
const didToken = userInfo.userDIDToken;
const data = JSON.parse(window.atob(didToken));
const [sig, claims] = data;
const parsedClaims = JSON.parse(claims);

const verified = verify(sig, toHex(claims), b58ToHex(parsedClaims.iss));

Last update: February 19, 2025 by shaloo