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Unity App: Onboard Users

Estimated time to read: 1 minute

Learn how to onboard users via social login in a Web3 Unity gaming app integrated with the Arcana Auth Unity SDK and allow authenticated users to access the Arcana wallet within the app context.


Onboarding Users

Follow these steps to onboard users in a Unity Web3 gaming app with the Arcana Auth Unity SDK and allow authenticated users to access the Arcana wallet.

Call LoginWithSocial or LoginWithOTP to onboard the user. Choose one of the supported user onboarding options such as Google, Steam, etc.

// After initializing the SDK

if (loginMethod == LoginMethod.Passwordless)

That is all.

The Unity Web3 gaming app can now onboard users via the configured social login providers.

What's Next?

After adding code to onboard users in a Unity Web3 gaming app, developers can add code to enable Web3 wallet operations for authenticated users to sign transactions.

See also

Last update: January 28, 2025 by shaloo, shaloo