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Get Started: Flutter Apps

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

'Flutter' Web3 apps can easily onboard users via social login by integrating with the Arcana Auth Flutter SDK!


1. Register & Configure

2. Install SDK

The Arcana Auth Flutter SDK is available at '' as a Flutter plugin package called arcana_auth_flutter.

Add the following line to the dependencies section in your app's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter:       # Required for every Flutter project
    sdk: flutter # Required for every Flutter project
  flutter_localizations: # Required to enable localization
    sdk: flutter         # Required to enable localization
  arcana_auth_flutter: ^0.0.6 # Required for integrating with Arcana Auth SDK

Use latest Arcana Auth Flutter SDK

Use latest Arcana Auth Flutter SDK release v0.0.6 available at

3. Integrate

Once installed, integrate the app with the Arcana Auth Flutter SDK. Create an AuthProvider instance and specify the unique client ID assigned to the registered app.

import 'package:arcana_sdk/arcana_sdk.dart';

final auth = AuthProvider(clientId:"xar_xxxx_...");
auth.init(context: context);

Next, add code to onboard users and allow authenticated users to sign blockchain transactions using Arcana wallet.

Onboard Users

Add code to onboard users through one of the configured social login providers or via OTP login option.

Arcana JWT Token

Upon successful authentication, Arcana Auth SDK returns a unique JWT token to the app called the Arcana JWT Token. App developers can access this token via getUser() method and refer to the loginToken field of the UserInfo object.

Developers can use this token to verify the user and subsequently generate another token for app use if required.

In the future, the Arcana JWT Token will be deprecated. Use userDIDToken to verify user.

Upon successful authentication, Arcana Auth SDK returns a unique DID token to the app called the Arcana DID Token. App developers can access this token via getUser() method and refer to the userDIDToken field of the UserInfo object.

Developers can use this token to verify the user and subsequently generate another token for app use.

Social Login

auth.loginWithSocial("google").then((_) => {
// On login Success

OTP Login

auth.loginWithOTP("${email_id}").then((_) => {
// On login Success


Call the logout method in response to a user's choice to log out. The built-in Arcana wallet UI has a Logout option in the user profile tab.

auth.logout().then((_) => {
// On logout

Get User Address

auth.getAccount().then((account) => ...);

Get User Details

auth.getUserInfo().then((UserInfo info) => ...);

Show/Hide Wallet UI

Developers can choose to show or hide the wallet as per the app requirements.


Check Wallet Visibility

To determine in the Flutter app if the Arcana wallet is visible in the app's context, get the visibility status:

var isVisible = auth.isVisible();

Clear Cache

Flutter apps can use clearCache to clear the Webview cache:


Sign Transactions

The AuthProvider supports the JSON-RPC requests for the following Web3 operations:

auth.request(method: "...", params: [...]).then(() => ...);
auth.sendTransaction({ to: "", value: "" }).then((hash) => ...);

4. Deploy

That's all!

The 'Flutter' app is ready to onboard users and allow them to sign blockchain transactions.

See also

Arcana Auth Flutter SDK Quick Links

Last update: March 29, 2024 by shaloo