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Get Started: CA Apps

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Integrate Web3 app with Arcana CA SDK to enable unified balance.

1. Install

npm install --save @arcana/ca-sdk
yarn add @arcana/ca-sdk

2. Integrate

import { CA } from '@arcana/ca-sdk'
const provider = window.ethereum
const ca = new CA(provider)
//Note: ca can be used as a drop in replacement for EIP1193 provider(like window.ethereum)
try {
  await ca.init()
} catch (e) {
  // Handle exception case

Initialize First!

The app must use await until the init() call is complete, before invoking any of the other Arcana CA SDK functions listed in Arcana CA SDK Reference.


Allowances are required to enable unified balance in the wallet.

Use the following UI Hooks for allowance and intent setup in the dApp:

ca.setOnAllowanceHook(async ({ allow, deny, sources }) => {
    // This is a hook for the dev to show user the allowances that need to be setup for the current tx to happen

    // sources: an array of objects with minAllowance, chainID, token symbol etc
    // allow(allowances): allowances is an array with allowance for each source (len(sources) == len(allowances))
    // deny(): stop the flow

ca.setOnIntentHook(({ intent, allow, deny, refresh }) => {
    // This is a hook for the dev to show user the intent, the sources and associated fees

    // intent: Intent data containing sources and fees for display purpose
    // allow(): accept the current intent
    // deny(): deny the intent and stop the flow
    // refresh(): should be on a timer of 5s to refresh the intent (if not refreshed old intents might fail due to fee changes)

Get Allowance

// Get USDC allowance for Polygon
await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(137).get()
// Get USDC & USDT allowance for all supported chains
await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC", "USDT"]).get()
// Get all supported token allowances for all supported chains
await ca.allowance().get()

Set Allowance

await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(42161).amount("max").set()

// You can specify custom values for tokens and amount in hex, for example
// await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(42161).amount("0x989680").set()

// Alternatively, you can also specify the amount 10,000,000 for USDC tokens as follows:
// await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(42161).amount("10000000").set()

Revoke Allowance

await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(42161).revoke()

Unified Balance

const balances = await ca.getUnifiedBalances()
const usdtBalance = await ca.getUnifiedBalance("usdt")


await ca.request({
    method: "eth_sendTransaction",
    params: [{
        to: "0xEa46Fb4b4Dc7755BA29D09Ef2a57C67bab383A2f", 
        from: "0x7f521A827Ce5e93f0C6D773525c0282a21466f8d",
        value: "0x001"

3. Advanced Usage


await ca.bridge().token("pol").amount(10).chain(137).exec();


await ca.transfer().to("0x...").amount(5).chain(10).token("eth").exec()

CA Events

Add Listener

ca.addCAEventListener((data) => {
    switch(data.type) {
        case "EXPECTED_STEPS":{
            // store array of steps which will be followed)
            state.value.steps = => ({ ...s, done: false }))
            state.value.inProgress = true
        case "STEP_DONE": {
            const v = state.value.steps.find(s => {
                return s.typeID ===
            if (v) {
                v.done = true

Remove Listener

ca.removeCAEventListener((data) => {...})

See Also

Try CA SDK Demo

Last update: February 12, 2025 by shaloo, shaloo