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Arcana CA SDK Usage

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Learn how to leverage Arcana's Chain Abstraction and enable unified balance for Web3 app users.

Arcana CA SDK Reference


npm install @arcana/ca-sdk

Quick start

import { CA } from "@arcana/ca-sdk";

const provider = window.ethereum

const ca = new CA();

//Set the EVM provider  

await ca.init();
await ca.request({
    method: "eth_sendTransaction",
    params: [{
        to: "0xEa46Fb4b4Dc7755BA29D09Ef2a57C67bab383A2f",
        from: "0x7f521A827Ce5e93f0C6D773525c0282a21466f8d",
        value: "0x001"


Import & Initialize

import { CA } from "@arcana/ca-sdk";

provider = window.ethereum;

const ca = new CA();
await ca.init();  // Initialize the CA provider before calling any API function


UI Hooks

Use these UI hooks for managing allowance setup and intent processing flows.

ca.setOnAllowanceHook(async ({ allow, deny, sources }) => {
  // This is a hook for the dev to show user the allowances that need to be setup for the current tx to happen
  // where,
  // sources: an array of objects with minAllowance, chainID, token symbol, etc.
  // allow(allowances): continues the transaction flow with the specified allowances; `allowances` is an array with the chosen allowance for each of the requirements (allowances.length === sources.length), either 'min', 'max', a bigint or a string
  // deny(): stops the flow

ca.setOnIntentHook(({ intent, allow, deny, refresh }) => {
  // This is a hook for the dev to show user the intent, the sources and associated fees
  // where,
  // intent: Intent data containing sources and fees for display purpose
  // allow(): accept the current intent and continue the flow
  // deny(): deny the intent and stop the flow
  // refresh(): should be on a timer of 5s to refresh the intent (old intents might fail due to fee changes if not refreshed)


Allowances help activate the Chain Abstraction (CA) feature offered by Arcana. They let Web3 users unlock fragmented liquidity across source chains and spend it on any destination chain, even when they lack sufficient balance there.

With a unified balance on the source chains, users can request funds on the destination chain. By setting up allowances, users permit Arcana Vault contracts on the source chains to collect the funds required to execute the transaction seamlessly on the destination chain.

Allowances can be set up anytime before a multi-chain transaction is initiated by the user.

Get Allowance

// Get USDC allowance for polygon chain
await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(137).get()

// Get USDC & USDT allowance for all supported chains
await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC", "USDT"]).get()

// Get all supported token allowances for all supported chains
await ca.allowance().get()

Set Allowance

await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(42161).amount(BigInt(100000000000)).set()

Revoke Allowance

await ca.allowance().tokens(["USDC"]).chain(42161).revoke()

Unified Balance

const balances = await ca.getUnifiedBalances()
const usdtBalance = await ca.getUnifiedBalance("usdt")


await ca.bridge().token("usdt").amount(10).chain(137).exec();

chain() is optional, it will use the current chain as input if not specified.


await ca.transfer().to("0x...").amount(5).chain(10).token("eth").exec()

chain() is optional, it will use the current chain as input if not specified.

CA Events

Add Listener

ca.caEvents.on("expected_steps", (data) => {
    state.value.steps = => ({ ...s, done: false }))

ca.caEvents.on("step_complete", data => {
    const v = state.value.steps.find(s => {
        return s.typeID === data.typeID
    if (v) {
        v.done = true

// @deprecated
ca.addCAEventListener((data) => {
    switch(data.type) {
        case "EXPECTED_STEPS":{
            // store array of steps which will be followed)
            state.value.steps = => ({ ...s, done: false }))
        case "STEP_DONE": {
            const v = state.value.steps.find(s => {
                return s.typeID ===
            if (v) {
                v.done = true

Remove Listener

ca.caEvents.removeListener("expected_steps", () => {...})
ca.caEvents.removeListener("step_complete", () => {...})

// @deprecated
ca.removeCAEventListener((data) => {...})

Refer to the CA SDK Reference Guide for details.

Last update: February 28, 2025 by shaloo, shaloo