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Web3 developers can effortlessly provide instant, non-custodial wallets to users through the Arcana Auth SDK, eliminating the need for separate wallet installations or key management. Users can sign blockchain transactions within the app using the embedded web wallet widget, no browser extensions are required.

The Arcana wallet offers a customizable, user-friendly, and secure interface that can be tailored to your app's branding. Users don't need to handle cryptographic keys or passphrases. User keys are powered by an advanced asynchronous, distributed key generation protocol, giving users full wallet control while abstracting cryptography complexities. With the Arcana wallet, Web3 app users enjoy true decentralized identity control.

Key Functions

  • Check account balance
  • Sign blockchain transactions
  • Add, and modify the network configuration
  • Switch to a different network
  • Switch between EOA/SCW accounts (Gasless)
  • Deploy smart contract to a specific network
  • Add, send, and receive custom tokens (ERC-20) and NFTs (ERC-721 and ERC-1155)
  • View account transaction activity such as how many native, custom tokens or NFTs were transacted or contracts deployed
  • View pending transactions in the activity tab
  • Use the provider interface to call any standard Ethereum JSON RPC specification methods
  • Export private key and use it to import Arcana wallet account to a third-party Web3 provider
  • Enable MFA for enhanced security

User Profile Data

In the future, the Arcana wallet may also allow application users to permit application developers and see their profile data such as email ID, profile picture, and user name.

Not Supported

The Arcana wallet does not allow an app user to import any blockchain account created using a third-party wallet provider.

Wallet Configuration

Developers can select the built-in Arcana wallet UI (default) or a custom wallet UI via the Arcana Developer Dashboard at the time of registering the app with the Arcana. Later, during app integration, when creating a new AuthProvider, the developer can choose one of the available wallet user experiences for signing blockchain transactions through the alwaysVisible input parameter. See Arcana wallet visibility mode and the Arcana wallet configuration guide for details.

Network Switching Behavior

Depending upon the [Arcana wallet visibility mode]( setting configured by the developer, the [network switching behavior may vary](

Adding Networks

The Arcana Auth SDK supports EVM-compatible blockchains. It comes pre-configured with some of the popular blockchain networks such as Ethereum and Polygon. See supported blockchain networks for the complete list. In addition to the networks in the pre-configured list, new networks can be added programmatically to the wallet by application developers. Also, authenticated users can add new networks via the wallet UI if the developer has configured the wallet to be always visible in the app context.

Only the developer configured additional network settings are stored and retained across user login sessions. For more details, see Arcana wallet visibility modes and network switching behavior.

Custom Network Added by Users

Only the list of networks configured by the developer programmatically or via the dashboard settings is persisted across the user login sessions. Any additional blockchain network configuration changes introduced by the application users via the Arcana wallet UI are only stored locally. Users must re-configure those custom network configurations each time they log in.

Last update: April 12, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo